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How is it possible to reform waste management in Ukraine?

How is it possible to reform waste management in Ukraine?
How is it possible to reform waste management in Ukraine?12.04.2021

On average, each Ukrainian generates 230 kg of waste per year, with 94% of waste going to disposal sites and landfills. 30% of waste is plastic, paper, glass, that’s the kind of material that can be recycled. Only 5% of inhabited areas in Ukraine have the infrastructure for separate waste collection.

What methods of waste management can be implemented in Ukraine?

- to create centers for separate waste collection for recycling;

- to create a waste recycling sector. In Ukraine, the cost of waste disposal is € 6.8 per ton, which is ten times cheaper than in Europe. Due to low profitability, the recycling sector is not developing;

- to introduce extended producer responsibility for its waste disposal. Thus, the financial burden can be transferred from local municipalities to the producer.